Welcome to Bizinfosoft
(Monday - Friday)


For Buyers

Why buy on GEM

  • Provide transparency and ease of buying
  • Offers rich listing of products for individual category of goods/services
  • Direct purchase for amounts upto INR 25000
  • L1 purchase for amounts greater than INR 25000 and less than INR 5 Lakhs
  • Proprietary Article Certificate Bid- Procurement of specific product as per requirement
  • Price Trends and Price Comparison From Multiple Suppliers
  • Direct notifications to sellers
  • Integrated Payment System
  • Easy to comprehend interface to search, compare, select and buy
  • User friendly dashboard for monitoring supplies and payments
  • Online grievance redressal mechanism for quick resolution
  • Direct purchase, L1, Push button procurement, Bid/RA mode of procurement and forward auction for auction.
    GeM has enriched listing of approximately 10000 products categories and 290 services categories wherein millions of sellers have offered their catalogue.
  • Buyers can now select bid duration between 3 & 45 days.
  • Delivery period upto 365 days and upto 6 years with approval.
  • Option to provide multiple consignee locations and quantity
  • Multiple consignee can be selected for Services
  • Pin-code based seller selection for Direct Purchase Mode
  • ATC library available for addition of terms and conditions
  • Additional Deductions can be applied by buyers at the time of bill generation
  • Notification to buyers regarding:
    • expiry of DP (Delivery Period) for the contract
    • Initiation of cancellation of contract in case of non-delivery by sellers
  • Buyer during technical evaluation can make a MSE seller eligible or ineligible for MSE purchase preference.
  • Now buyers get the option to cancel the Product contract(s) even if the invoice has been generated by seller provided 15 days have expired from delivery period.
  • 18 Banks have enabled GeM Pool Account
  • To improve fair participation in Bid / RA, GeM now ensures that at least 3 sellers have participated and offered products from at least 2 different OEMs.In case buyer wants to proceed with less than 3 Resellers or two OEMs/Brand, they have to upload approval from Competent Authority.
For Sellers

Why sell on GEM

  • Access to National Public Procurement market
  • No charges or fee for getting registered
  • Special provisions and sections for startups, MSMEs and Emporium products
  • Fully online, paperless and contactless platform
  • A list of prerequisites for the seller registration has been made available so that it becomes a guide to the seller during registration https://gem.gov.in/support/sellers/?lang=english
  • Brand application and brand approval process has been revamped for sellers
  • Multiple invoice for single order
  • Easy access to participate in bids/reverse auction
  • Clock has been enabled in RA to display remaining time for seller participation
  • Online grievance redressal mechanism for quick resolution
  • All sellers will be shown reasons for rejection
  • Seller friendly dashboard for monitoring supplies & payments
  • Business Cockpit has been enhanced with additional parameters in existing report as well as new chart widgets based on OEM and MAIT recommendations
  • Seller belonging to North East states and J & K are exempted from ITR at the time of bid participation
  • Dynamic Pricing- Price can be changed based on market conditions
  • Direct access to Government departments and their organizations.

We understand the importance of approaching each work integrally and believe in the power of simple.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)