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Introduction to GeM Buyers: Registration & Account Introduction to the Marketplace Procurement Modes (Products) Procurement Modes (Services) Order Processing & Payments
Introduction to Buyer Functionality

Buyers: Registration & Account

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Primary User Registration
Secondary User Creation
Secondary User Deactivation/Transfer

Introduction to the Marketplace

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Overview of Buyer Dashboard
Request for New /Upgradation of Categories
GeM Availability Report
MIS Dashboard

Procurement Modes (Products)

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Overview of Buyer Dashboard
Request for New /Upgradation of Categories
GeM Availability Report
MIS Dashboard

Procurement Modes (Services)

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Overview of Buyer Dashboard
Request for New /Upgradation of Categories
GeM Availability Report
MIS Dashboard

Order Processing & Payments

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Overview of Buyer Dashboard
Request for New /Upgradation of Categories
GeM Availability Report
MIS Dashboard

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